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Coffee Beans 12 oz
Coffee Grounds 12 oz
Choose your plan
Description: Receive one 12 oz bag of your favorite coffee blend every month, delivered straight to your door. Great for those who want their coffee fixed on a regular basis without the hassle of reordering.
Description: For the coffee enthusiast who enjoys their brew a bit more frequently, this plan offers a 12 oz bag delivered every two weeks. Stay stocked up and enjoy freshly roasted coffee on a bi-weekly basis.
Description: For those who like to plan ahead, this quarterly subscription offers 3 bags of 12 oz coffee every 3 months. This is the most cost-effective option, perfect for customers who drink coffee regularly and want to enjoy savings.
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Welcome to our caffeinated wonderland, where each cup is brewed with a sprinkle of joy and a dash of adventure! Here, every bean begins a journey from farm to mug, inviting you to savor the thrill in every sip.
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